Shocking turns of events

A poor boy was in love with a rich man's daughter…one day the boy proposed to her and the girl said…”Hey! Listen, your monthly salary is my daily hand expenses..How can I be involved with you..? How could you have thought of that? I can never love you, so forget about me and get engaged to someone else at your level” But somehow the boy could not forget her so easily…..Some time 10 years later they stumbled into each other in a shopping mall. The lady again said….,”Hey.. ! You! How are you? Now I’m married and do you know how much my husband’s salary is..? $15,700 per month! Can you beat that? And he is also very smart” The guy’s eyes got wet with tears on hearing those words from the same lady… A few seconds later, her husband came around but before the lady could say a word her husband seeing the guy, said……“Sir you’re here and you’ve met my wife..” Then he said to his wife,”This is my boss, I’m also one of those working on his $100 million project! And do you know a fact...

Diary of a Stubborn Lass

 Diary of a Stubborn Lass —(Part one)
She engaged in an illicit relationship at the age of seventeen against her mother's advice.

The relationship resulted in an unwanted pregnancy.

The pregnancy led to her rejection by her family.

The rejection by her family resulted in her full-time cohabitation with her lover under duress.

The cohabitation led to her realization of the fact that she'd made the greatest mistake of her life by starting an illicit relationship with someone she thought would be her knight in shinning armour.

Each time he punches her face she regrets the day they met.

"Had I known, I would've listened to my mother." she regrets.

Alas, she learned her lesson the hard way!


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